5 Ways to Drive Away Negative Thinking

Driving away negative thoughts requires effort, and it can be a pretty serious battle. You can’t just tell them to go away, but instead, you need to develop a longstanding strategy for driving them away and keeping them out for good.

Negative thinking robs us from opportunities for greatness and leads to anxiety and stress, which can lead to even greater problems that you just don’t need to be dealing with as a business owner. Here are some steps you can take to avoid negative thinking.

1. Admit you have a problem.

It can be downright impossible to do self-reflection on this topic, because we often don’t pay attention to our own words or body language. One helpful way to gauge your level of self-defeatist attitude and negativity is to create a chart with two sides. On one side, write down all your positive thoughts that day. On the other side, write down all your negative thoughts. You’ll be amazed by how much negativity the average person keeps in their head.

2. Exercise.

Getting your body moving is great for changing your mood and your thoughts. You don’t have to run a marathon or swim across the English Channel to make that kind of change…you can just step up, take a walk, do some jumping jacks, or dance. That’s right…dance. Try turning on your favorite music and moving and grooving for a few minutes; see if you’re feeling negative afterward.

3. Practice Gratitude.

If making a list of your thoughts was the first step to recognizing your negativity problem, building a positive list could be the first step toward solving it. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for. Having trouble coming up with a list? How about your breath, your pulse, your sight, and all the other basic amenities we take for granted. Once your start writing your list out, you will find that it snowballs and fills your mind with positivity.

4. Talk about it.

Find a friend, family member, therapist, or helpful ear to listen to your problems without judgement, and without recommendation (unless you want it). You could also pray, journal, or craft an art project around your feelings. Once they’re out there, you’ll find yourself strangely (perhaps magically is a better word) unburdened of negative thinking.

5. Change your language.

Take stock of the vocabulary and phrases you use regularly, as you did in point #1. Eliminate negative phrases and words from your lexicon, and watch your thoughts change as well. You should also take note of your body language and posture. Avoid slouching, and above all, smile!

Take some time today and everyday to action some of these tips above and get your mind right. If you need to, hire a professional therapist or a mindset coach to help you work through the negative thoughts, some of which can derive from negative events in the past.

And remember, anytime you feel negative energy around you, switch to something positive right away!

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