10 Characteristics of Highly Motivated People

You know a highly motivated person when you see one. They always seem calm in the face of a challenge and possessive of more energy than the energizer bunny…but what exactly are their character traits that help them stay that way?

1. Purpose

Highly motivated people are able to comprehend and internalize the bigger picture. They see how their work fits into the whole plan of this thing we call “life”, and therefore don’t start feeling like the smaller components of the journey are meaningless.

2. Optimism

With a positive vision of what could be in the future, motivated people gain energy to go about their work towards the happy outcome they envision.

3. Self-Esteem

It’s hard to do anything when you don’t feel like you can do it. But motivated people know their strengths, and they believe in themselves.

4. Bravery

Motivated people delight in taking on new challenges, and they don’t back down from risk. They’re not afraid to take chances, get mistakes, or fail.

5. Energy

Motivated people have natural energy – mental, physical, and emotional – to move forward with their plan and fight the good fight.

6. Persistence

People with high levels of motivation don’t just give up when the going gets tough. They buckle down and stick to their guns.

7. Perspective

Highly motivated people don’t get it twisted with the small stuff. They know how to sort through life’s myriad concerns and ignore the little things that could pull them off course.

8. Reflective

When you lose, don’t lose the lesson, an old adage goes, and motivated people get that. While bravery, energy, and persistence are some of their sterling qualities, that doesn’t mean they make stupid choices. Motivated people reflect on the process and move forward with intelligence and strategy.

9. Humility

Motivated people also have perspective on their own strengths and weaknesses. An arrogant person will quickly run up against a wall again and again as opposing egos clash with their quest. By contrast, a humble person will have an easier time carrying out their plan, taking feedback, and adjusting course as necessary. They’re not offended – their eyes are on the prize, and they’ll take the help they need to get there.

10. Celebration

Motivated people enjoy success and they celebrate it. It’s not about throwing it in other people’s faces, but about appreciating the hard work they’ve done, and looking forward to a new journey.

How many of the above traits do you have and how many do you need to work harder at?

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